Isolated Villa, adhering to all health standards!

Вилла Марафон роскошное и красивое место отдыха с великолепным видом на Эгейское море. Это место расположено в Марафоне рядом с Национальным парком Схинияс, от которого перехватывает дыхание из-за его девственной природы.

Это уникальное место находится всего лишь в 35 км. от афинского международного аэропорта и в 45 км. от центра Афин и археологического памятника Акрополя.

На близком расстоянии от дома находится залив Схинияс, который является одним из самых длинных и красивых пляжей Аттики с множеством небольших традиционных греческих таверн, где можно отведать блюда местной кухни.

Разнообразие пляжных баров со всеми удобствами, где вы можете можете провести своё время занимаясь водными видами спорта, например, такие как серфинг (падл-бординг) виндсерфинг, водные лыжи, вейкборд, пляжный волейбол и верховая езда. Всё это находится по всему этому великолепному пляжному берегу.

В городе Неа Макри находящийся в 15 минутах езды на машине, можно прогуляться по небольшому рыбацкому порту, в котором кипит ночная жизнь в коктейль-барах, небольших ресторанах и кафе для всех возрастов и вкусов.


Once we have confirmed availability, we will hold your option for a maximum of five days until we receive a deposit, at which point we will confirm your reservation in writing.


We require a 30% non-refundable deposit to secure your reservation, and full payment of the balance 8 weeks prior to arrival.

Security Deposit

We require a security deposit of 400 EUR payable when the full balance is paid and refundable to you after a member of staff has checked the accommodation subsequent to your departure.

We reserve the right to make extra charges should the value of any damage exceed the value of the security deposit.

Refunds and Cancellations

All deposits are non refundable.

Cancellations 6-4 weeks prior to arrival date will be subject to a 50% rate refundable and 4 weeks to arrival date will be subject to a 100% cancellation fee.

If after arrival, clients are dissatisfied with any aspect of their accommodation and decide to terminate their stay, the amount to be refunded, if any, is at the discretion of Villa Marathon.

Changeover days

We can change your scheduled arrival or departure dates as long the changes do not impact another rental, in this case payment is not been affected. Otherwise re-scheduled days are not refundable.

Arrival- Departure

Keys will be available to you from a member of our Staff on the day of you arrival, unless otherwise agreed.

The member of staff will meet you at the airport and give you a tour of the property and explain how to operate its features.

We reserve the right to access the property at any time during your stay and without prior notice.

We require you to vacate your accommodation and hand the keys to a member of our staff by 11am on the day of departure. If there is no other reservation on your departure date we will be happy to extent our hospitality as long as it is convenient for you. If you require special arrival/departure times, please contact us ahead of time and we will try to arrange for the changes.

Maid Service

Cleaning staff will visit the property twice a week and provide fresh linen and towels/beach towels as well as general cleaning services. They do not provide any cooking or personal laundry services.


Only the persons named on the booking may occupy the property and we reserve the right to ask to see passports/ID cards as proof on arrival.

Changes to the persons named on the booking form can be confirmed to us in writing up to three days before arrival.

No level of occupancy above the stated maximum for the property without prior agreement will be permitted.

Services Included

The rental price includes the cost of electricity, gas and air-conditioning charges , all pool maintenance (where applicable), all linen including towels and beach towels.

The owner reserve the right to lock away personal items in his property, and you must not at any point attempt to access these areas.

No access is permitted to pool machinery rooms.

Not included in the price but available on request Liability

We are not liable for any failure of public service, or supplies of a technical or mechanical nature connected with the holiday arrangements over which we have no control.

We are not responsible for any personal missing or stolen objects in or outside of the property.

Villa Marathon is responsible for swimming pool maintenance but accepts no responsibility for personal injury.

Suggested Pool Safety Rules:
  1. No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk. Non swimmers are not allowed in the pool.
  2. Children are allowed to swim or play in the pool only when adults are present. Please maintain constant supervision over children.
  3. No pets in the pool.
  4. Walk slowly in the pool area. No roughhousing, dunking, pushing, or wrestling.
  5. Keep the area clear of clutter, debris and toys. Toys can often attract young children to the pool.
  6. No swimming at night, in rainy weather, or in thunderstorms.
  7. No eating, drinking or chewing gum while in the pool.
  8. No glass near the pool/water area.
  9. Keep gate to the pool area closed and locked at all times.

Upon request


Smoking is allowed inside the property.


The Greek Country code is +30

If you intend to use a mobile phone abroad please ensure it is activated for international roaming before you leave your country of departure.

Banking/Credit Cards

Openng hours are generally from Monday to Friday 8:00 am until 14:00 pm


The official language is Greek but the majority tend to also speak English.

Greece is on GMT+2. Daylight savings begins last Sunday in March (clocks move 1 hour ahead) and finishes the last Sunday in October when clocks go back 1 hour.

Electrical Appliances

Electrical current in Greece is 220 volts, all outlets are two round prongs. It is useful to pack a converter and adapter.